Emotionell intelligens

Emotionell intelligens (EI)
EI har nu varit i fokus för uppmärksamheten i ca 25 år. Forskningen är numera omfattande och visar att detta är en personlighetsdimension som kan tillföra viktig information utöver mera traditionella begrepp som ”Big Five”. Det är emellertid bara ett fåtal personlighetstest som kan erbjuda mätning av EI; UPP-testet är ett av dem. Vi bygger som de enda i Sverige på egen forskning inom området, se referenser nedan. UPP mäter EI både genom självrapportfrågor och genom att mäta förmågan att identifiera emotioner i ansiktsuttryck. Dessa två typer av uppgifter ger information som konvergerar över grupper, t ex kön och utbildning.
Mätning av Emotionell intelligens
Mätning av EI görs regelmässigt vid användning av UPP-testet, men det går också att använda en särskild modul som enbart mäter EI, och korrigerar för skönmålning.
Emotionell intelligens (EI)
Emotional intelligence: A psychometric analysis.
By Sjöberg, Lennart
European Psychologist, Vol 6(2), Jun 2001, 79-95.
Describes the construction and the construct validation of an extensive test battery for use in the selection process in business and business education. It is based on notions of social competence and emotional intelligence EI in broad senses of the terms. Ss were 226 persons (aged 18–37 yrs) who had applied for admittance to the undergraduate program of the Stockholm School of Economics. Many indices were constructed on the basis of their test responses. In a second-order factor analysis, four factors were identified: mental stability, emotional intelligence proper, dominance, and compulsiveness. These factors were related to emotional skills and to standard personality scales, as well as to scales measuring risk-taking attitudes and variables measuring response styles. It was found that the secondary factors were less subjected to self-presentation bias than the Big Five scales, and that they were about equal to the MPI scales in this respect. These three sets of scales were rather strongly related, while the Myers-Briggs scales were only weakly related. EI was found to contribute variance to the explanation of emotional knowledge not contained in standard scales of personality. Also, risk attitudes were systematically related to the secondary factors.
Sjöberg, L. (2001). Emotional intelligence: A psychometric analysis. European Psychologist, 6, 79-95. länk här
Engelberg, E., & Sjöberg, L. (2005). Emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills. In R. D. Roberts & R. Schulze (Eds.), International handbook of emotional intelligence (pp. 289-308). Cambridge MA: Hogrefe länk här
Sjöberg, L., Littorin, P., & Engelberg, E. (2005). Personality and emotional intelligence as factors in sales performance. Scandinavian Journal of Organizational Theory and Practice, 15, 21-37. länk här
Engelberg, E., & Sjöberg, L. (2006). Money attitudes and emotional intelligence. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 36(8), 2027-2047. länk här
Sjöberg, L. (2008). Emotional intelligence and life adjustment. In J. C. Cassady & M. A. Eissa (Eds.), Emotional Intelligence: Perspectives on Educational & Positive Psychology (pp. 169-184). New York: Peter Lang Publishing. länk här